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Widebody transitions

Mar 22, 2017 12:00:00 AM

22nd March 2017


So far in the winter of 2016/17, eCube Solutions has dis-assembled one A330-300 and one A340-300, and also facilitated the lease re-deliveries of two other A330s.

Both the A330 and A340 part-out projects were successfully delivered to the satisfaction of the customers, with the usual high standard of accuracy, quality and turnaround time.

Meanwhile, many operating lessors are taking advantage of the excellent economics and customer-responsiveness for transitions of mature wide-bodied aircraft at St. Athan. In circumstances where a lessor does not have a new lessee immediately in place after the re-delivery process, there is a strong logic to park the aircraft at a secondary airfield with low parking fees, and enter the aircraft into a care and maintenance programme, while evaluating the optimum next steps. Whatever location is selected for this period of storage, it is critical that the local service provider is highly responsive in providing line maintenance services, in order to be able to respond to market opportunities to re-activate the aircraft.

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