eCube | Blog

Record setting volumes in 2019

Written by eCube Solutions | Jan 6, 2020 12:00:00 AM
6th January 2020

eCube Solutions received a total of 80 aircraft during 2019, of which 74 were disassembly projects. The mix of aircraft types reflected the broader aviation market with approximately 75% narrowbodies, and 25% widebodies. The widebodies included 11 Airbus A330s, 3 A340s, and 4 Boeing 747-400s, while the narrowbodies included 44 Airbus A320 family aircraft, and 14 Boeing 737NG types.

Capacity at both eCube locations has been ramped up to manage the increasing volumes. Parking spaces in St. Athan can now accommodate up to 40 aircraft, while parking capacity in Castellon is being developed to shortly reach 30 aircraft.

Meanwhile, eCube's de-production capacity in St. Athan has been increased to six lines, which will deliver at least 60 aircraft disassembly projects during 2020, while Castellon is steadily increasing capability and capacity to accommodate up to 20 projects during the coming year.